Friday, December 23, 2011

Sadie 12/16/2011

Well my pup Sadie is begining to listen and work very nice. I caught this shot with my phone camera. I never seem to have the good camera for the good shots. Well the pheasant had slipped away from her but we did eventually get it.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Lady Claire

Claire, now known as Lady in the capable hands of my close friend Julie, is beginning to come around nicely. Saturday the 23rd we went out for a bit of training Lady showed enthusiasm for the hunt not only in the field but when she hears her bell on her hunting collar she now gets excited know she gets to go. Lady also is beginning to handle nice for Julie and works at a good hunting distance. She showed signs of hunting objectives this weekend something hadn't been doing in the past. She is beginning to respond to hand signals while afield and pay closer attention to what Julie is doing. Her listening skills still need a little work but she has come a long way in a short time already I have no doubt Julie is going to have
a great hunting season this coming fall.

In the photo Lady is pointing a planted quail and Sadie is honoring the point. Julie is kicking around looking for the quail and trying to tempt Lady off point so she can be corrected but both dogs remained steady to flush.

Profile: Sadie

Sadie now 1 year old is a very intense puppy with a big set of wheels. Her nose is excellent she's very well gaited and runs fast and effortlessly. She is still in the tweety bird stage so she likes to chase tweety birds. She is almost broke except when she can see the bird. I expect by this fall she'll get to do some productive hunting.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Clair gets a new home

Claire pictured here with Julie her new owner/master. Clair enjoys being part house dog part, hunting dog. Claire is 5yrs old and was basically neglected of her needs as a well bred high end hunting dog so she is under going training/retraining to get her out of some of the bad habits she's developed over the years. Now that Julie is in charge Clair will have at the least the life of a hunting dog.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Moxi, Kira tag team for Mpls man

January 30th 2011, Moxi and Kira helped this gentleman from Mpls get his first pheasant ever. Moxi and Kira pu t on a great show, running thru chest deep snow and demonstrating excellent pointing and backing, giving this gentleman several close up oportunities to bag his birds. Temperature was a balmy 17 degrees with a wind that brought the temp down to Zero but nobody was cold.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Last day to pheasant hunt

The last day of pheasant season Moxi and I went out for some wild birds the first half of the day and on the way home we stopped by the pheasant preserve for some scratch birds. The winds cutting like a knife, were gusting up to 30mph making the windchill well below zero.
Much to my suprise we received a new member to BlaisN' Red Setters. "Clair" Clair is 5 yrs old and her previous owner was unable to provide clair with what she really needed, to get out hunting! Clair is 5 yrs old and out of Firefly kennels in Colorado.
Clair weighs in at 42lbs and very tall 27" and prances when she walks. She's had a bath and had all the matts removed and brushed out now she looks like a different dog.